Hoa Sen University


With the mission of becoming a leading unit in training high quality workforce in design and art, in line with application and international integration, the training programs at Faculty of Design and Art, Hoa Sen University are changed and developed comprehensively, demonstrated through a curriculum with a balanced structure between theory and practice, harmonious combination between art and technology, creativity and logic.

Currently, Faculty of Design and Art, Hoa Sen University provides young people many opportunities to learn, create and develop their future careers with six majors: Graphic Design, Digital Art, Interior Design, Fashion Design, Media Production and Management, Film-multimedia design.

Special, with 10 years of experience in cooperation with Mod’Art International Institute (Paris, France), Hoa Sen University is the first university to provide Media Production and Management program in Vietnam. The Fashion Creation project of Fashion Design program has made a great reputation in the fashion world. We are very proud of our students winning many prestigious domestic and international awards.

The Faculty of Design and Art HSU has nurtured and realized the dream of becoming a Creative Designer, a Media Producer and Business Manager of many generations of undergraduates. By collaborating with partners: University of Hawaii at Manoa (USA), MOD’ART International (French), École Conte – Collège de Paris (French), Shih Chien University (Taiwan), BLUM Vietnam Company Limited, An Cuong Wood, TOTO Vietnam, Asmara Vietnam, Nhat Thong Trading Company Limited. We are waiting for the opportunity to become a companion in building and developing your passion for success.


HSU’s vision is to become the best school of design and creativity, with deep international integration, humanity and community service.


Overview of Faculty of Design and Art

The training program aims to develop comprehensive intellectual thinking, creative expression through a structured curriculum that balances theory and practice, harmoniously combines art and technology, between creativity and logic. At HSU, we are committed to continuously striving for innovation to provide students with a high-quality educational program, an effective learning environment, and a focus on practical training based on cooperation with domestic and foreign businesses and universities, leading experts aiming to provide professional workforce for society.

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