Hoa Sen University

The endogenous documents of Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City

The endogenous documents of Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, are a database containing academic and research materials created by the university’s faculty, researchers, and students. This may include theses, dissertations, research reports, scientific articles, conference papers, and various other types of academic documents.

Here are some key features of this endogenous document database:

1. Academic resource: It includes academic documents published by members of Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, reflecting the research and academic activities of the university.

2. Diverse fields: The endogenous documents cover a wide range of fields, from natural sciences, engineering, and information technology to social sciences and humanities.

3. Internal access: Typically, these documents can be accessed by university members, such as faculty, students, and staff, to support academic and research activities.

4. Preservation and storage: Ensuring that important academic documents of the university are preserved and stored long-term, helping to maintain and develop the knowledge base of the academic community.

5. Research and study support: This database provides a rich source of materials to support research, study, and teaching at Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City.

Access and usage of these endogenous documents are usually conducted through the university’s library systems or online databases.

Search guide: https://www.vnulib.edu.vn/images/Tailieuhuongdan/PPV_TLHD_DSPACE_20220512.pdf

Access link: https://www.vnulib.edu.vn/index.php/tai-lieu-dien-tu

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