Hoa Sen University

Commercial Databases

Statista database
Statista is a database of market and consumer data that includes: + More than 1 million statistical data aggregates, complete reports for simple viewing and use (in XLS, PPT, PNG, PDF) from more than 22,500 sources + More than 41,000 research data + More than 200,000 market forecast data for 160 countries + More than 7,000 profiles created by professionals in the market research industry + Over 16,000 infographics (official infographics frequently appear on Forbes, WSJ, Financial Times,… Plus Market statistics, consumer behavior, demographics, and other consumer polls + Prospective research information on the digital market and consumer surveys in...
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
More than 3.5 million publications are accessible online thanks to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, a database for academic study that includes materials from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Agency for Engineering and Technology. Full text from some of the most highly regarded publications in the fields of science, computer science, electrical and electronic engineering, including more than 180 journals, more than 1,400 conference papers, more than 3,800 technical standards, more than 1,800 e-books, and more than 400 courses. 20,000 new documents are added to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library each month.


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