Hoa Sen University


The Professional Financial Analyst (PFA) Kick-off
The Professional Financial Analyst Contest is a contest organized by the Faculty of Finance and Banking of Hoa Sen University and the Hoa Sen Financial Analyst Club to bring the most practical experience about the job of a professional financial analyst in real life. To spread the information about The Professional Financial Analyst contest to students interested in the field of financial analysis, please take a moment to share information about the Kick-off meeting to announce the rules of the contest will take place at 8:45 am on Sunday, June 5, 2022, in the online form via Google Meet. The...
May 2022 Activity Highlights of Finance – Banking Faculty
The Smart Investor Contest 1.  Giáo dục Thời đại Newspaper 2.  Doanh nhân ngày nay Newspaper 3.  Doanh nghiệp & Phát triển Newspaper 4.  Tài chính cuộc sống Newspaper  Fintech and Smart City Talkshow 1.  Nhà đầu tư Newspaper 2.   Tài chính Cuộc sống Newspaper  3.  Doanh nghiệp và phát triển Newspaper  4. Khởi nghiệp quốc gia Newspaper HSU website: https://www.hoasen.edu.vn/en/ FFB website: https://www.hoasen.edu.vn/tcnh/en/ FFB Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/khoataichinhnganhangdhhs FFB Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8CAifZiYdXIpebrk3vv-lA FFB Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/khoatcnhdhhs/
[MoU Signing Ceremony] Faculty of Finance – Banking and VNPay
The MOU signing ceremony between the Faculty of Science and Technology and VNPAY took place on June 7, 2022. The Memorandum of Understanding is the beginning of sustainable cooperation between the Faculty of Science and Technology – Hoa Sen University and VNPAY as cooperation in Fintech training. , internship programs, internships, seminars, and sponsorship of competitions organized by the Faculty. This event was published in the following newspapers: 1. Doanh nghiệp và cuộc sống Newspaper  2. Doanh nghiệp và phát triển Newspaper  3. Doanh nghiệp Hội nhập Newspaper  4. Tài chính Tiền tệ Magazine  5. VOV Newspaper  Sources from the Enterprise Integration newspaper are as...
Accounting Major – Internationalization Pathway of Hoa Sen University
At the event the Faculty of Finance – Banking – Hoa Sen University signed an MOU with the International Management Accounting Organization – IMA and pictures of the One-Day Chief Accountant contest were published on Zingnews.vn IMA cooperates with Hoa Sen University to improve the quality of accounting and auditing training – Enrollment 2022 – ZINGNEWS.VN With the orientation of internationalization, Hoa Sen University and the American Organization of Management Accountants (IMA) signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement, promoting intensive training programs. With the desire to improve the quality of accounting-audit training in an international direction, recently, the Faculty of Finance...
Credit Room Management at Banks in Vietnam
Dr. Phung Thai Minh Trang – Dean of the Faculty of Finance – Banking gave an interview on credit room management at banks and forecasted interest rates for the last 6 months of 2022. The interview was published on Cafef.vn According to the State Bank, by June 9, 2022, credit increased by 8.15% compared to the end of 2021, up 17.09% over the same period in 2021, in line with more positive developments of the economy. Previously, as of May 27, the credit growth of the whole system reached 7.75% compared to the end of 2021. Thus, the credit of...
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