Đại học Hoa Sen – HSU

Summary of the 2013 Grand Tour Contest

The 2013 Grand Tour Contest was formally ended with a Gala on the night of April 27 after more than a month of exciting competition.

Photo: Organization Board of the Grand Tour Contest 2013

On the night of the Gala, four contestant teams from the University of Foreign Languages & Informatics, the University of Foreign Trade, and Hoa Sen University, each took turns performing skits to demonstrate the cultural characteristics of a country each team had been assigned to represent in a drawing. Then, before the Board of Examiners, each team made comments on the topic assigned to them by the Organization Board.

Photo: ĐA SẮC Team performing in the talent competition

Photo: F.O.E Team performing in the talent competition

Photo: Performance of the 10 HF-HOLD FIRE Team

Photo: Performance of the MK3 Team

The final results were that: with its creative performance and convincing answer, the F.O.E Team from Hoa Sen University won the Grand Tour Contest 2013 championship. The HF-Hold Fire (University of Foreign Languages and Informatics), Đa Sắc (University of Foreigh Trade), and MK3 (Hoa Sen University) respectively won the second, third, and the consolation prize.

Photo:This impressive performance resulted in the F.O.E Team winning the championship of the Grand Tour Contest 2013

With the topic “Cultural Journey”, the rounds of the Grand Tour Contest 2013 presented a large amount of very interesting and fascinating information regarding the cultures of many countries. This helped the students to gather practical and helpful lessons, which created convenient conditions for the students to express their passion and creativity for travelling, as well as enhancing the awareness and actions of young people in the task of conserving and developing the values of Vietnam’s traditional culture.

Stages the contestants had to undergo during the 2013 Grand Tour Contest

Starting in January of 2013, Round 1 of the Grand Tour Contest formally began with over 40 teams from a number of universities. After the multiple choice and selecting turns, 14 teams with the highest marks went straight to Round 2. From April 02 – 19, 2013, with the requirements for tour guide skills, program planning, and especially the mode of online sales, many teams faced some difficulties and challenges during Round 2. Finally, four teams defeated their rivals with excellent skill to enter the final – Gala night. They were: Đa Sắc, F.O.E, HF- Hold Fire and MK3.

The Grand Tour is an annual contest held by students of the Travelling Branch of the Faculty of Languages and Cultural Study at Hoa Sen University. The content of the contest includes general knowledge on travelling and related essential skills, particularly guiding skills. The purpose of the contest is to create a practical and healthy playground enabling students to express themselves, apply their academic knowledge to reality. Participating in the contest the students are tested on their general knowledge, instructed in the skills of tour planning, tour arrangement, group/team forming, event organization, and they are trained in the skills of being a tourist guide such as presenting subjects, telling stories and conducting indoor and outdoor games …

Almost all of the university students in HCM City were participants in this contest, particularly those students whose major was travelling. The Grand Tour chooses a different topic and content for the contest every year.


By Binh Minh

Translated in English Nguyen Anh Dung




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