Đại học Hoa Sen

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Hùng Duy và nỗ lực vươn lên
Theo báo THANHNIEN.VN Với suất học bổng trị giá 200 triệu đồng cho 4 năm đại học, Nguyễn Hùng Duy đã chạm một tay tới ước mơ thay đổi cuộc đời khi liên tiếp đạt kết quả học tập xuất sắc, được mời đi dạy Anh ngữ khi chưa tốt nghiệp. Dù có thu nhập từ việc đi dạy, Duy vẫn đồng hành cùng mẹ duy trì gánh ve chaiẢnh: Vũ Phượng Nguyễn Hùng Duy (21 tuổi) cùng bà Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Hà (57 tuổi, ngụ Q.Bình Thạnh, TP.HCM) là nhân vật trong bài viết Mẹ con “ve chai” bới từng...
STESOL Webinar Series 2020 #06
PRESENTATION ABSTRACT This presentation critically reviews communication strategies from different perspectives. Communication strategies are particularly important to interlocutors in multilingual and multicultural contexts as they may be of different social backgrounds. Contemporary literature shows effective communication not only requires interlocutors’ language proficiency, but other social backgrounds, such as culture, education, and beliefs, contribute greatly to effective communication. In the era of multilingualism and multiculturalism, the needs for learning and using a second and foreign language are rising. Advances in social media networks where internet users with different multilingual and multicultural backgrounds can socialize and exchange knowledge and experiences. However, educating...
STESOL Webinar Series 2020 #05
PRESENTATION ABSTRACT In a world of integration, cross-cultural interactions, communities of nations and countries benefit more and more in sharing the cultural achievements of other communities. Popular songs spread in the communities. Alongside original texts in the source language, to better satisfy the needs of the audience, translators and musicians translate the songs into different target languages. It is possible to depend on translation theory for  general directions. In addition, we use specific rules for translating songs: singability, number of words and syllables, rhymes and rhythms, keywords, themes, and grammar accuracy. VIDEO Stay tuned till the end of the video....
STESOL Webinar Series 2020 #04
PRESENTATION ABSTRACT In certain circumstances when virtual or hybrid model of teaching and learning must be in place, teachers and students may encounter challenges in areas such as effective virtual teaching and learning strategies, classroom management, intercultural interaction and resource development. This presentation will introduce how intercultural teaching approach and intercultural competence (based on Byram, 2000; Deardoff, 2006; & Sharifian, 2019) will help respond to some of those challenges and what available digital resources have been used to support the virtual and hybrid teaching. The presentation also showcases experiences of some international students and teachers in Australia and specific examples...
STESOL Webinar Series 2020 #03
PRESENTATION ABSTRACT Applying Cognitive Linguistics to teaching vocabulary to EFL learners Teaching Vocabulary has been one of the main issues in English language teaching and learning. EFL teachers in Vietnam, in particular, are now using different vocabulary teaching methods in their teaching. This report is doing part of this job differently. It discusses three CL principles for teaching Vocabulary for Vietnamese learners of English, namely the study of categorization, prototype, and metaphor. The implications of these principles in the EFL learning environment like Vietnamese context are applicable and practical.  The report will present some of the useful suggestions for EFL...
STESOL Webinar Series 2020 #02
STESOL Webinar Series 2020 #02 PRESENTATION ABSTRACT Role of Motivation and Creativity in Second Language Acquisition Process From my experience, the most frequently asked questions concerning TEFL usually cover the topics of teaching methods, nature of teachers (native, non-native foreigners or Vietnamese), learning environment, textbooks, classroom equipment or tuition fees. The assumption seems to be that TEFL resembles a computer program or an intricate engine and it is necessary to set up correct conditions and use correct “fuel” in order for the system to start turning A0 speakers into fluent users of the English language as quickly as possible. This...

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