STESOL Webinar Series 2020 #06
This presentation critically reviews communication strategies from different perspectives. Communication strategies are particularly important to interlocutors in multilingual and multicultural contexts as they may be of different social backgrounds. Contemporary literature shows effective communication not only requires interlocutors’ language proficiency, but other social backgrounds, such as culture, education, and beliefs, contribute greatly to effective communication. In the era of multilingualism and multiculturalism, the needs for learning and using a second and foreign language are rising. Advances in social media networks where internet users with different multilingual and multicultural backgrounds can socialize and exchange knowledge and experiences. However, educating strategies for effective communications between people with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds arouse concerns: ethic identity, ethnocentrism, education, social concerns, and school culture. Hence, the presentation argues for the importance of including communication strategies in the second language curriculum. The presentation ends with a framework for educating communication strategies in the era of multilingualism and multiculturalism.
Keywords: teacher education, multiculturalism, multilingualism, communication strategies, second language education, lingua franca, accentedness, dialects
Bui Phu Hung holds a PhD in TESOL. He is now a lecturer at School of Foreign Languages – University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and serves as an editor of Journal of Language and Education and several other journals. His research interests include Second Language Acquisition, Second/ Foreign Language Pedagogy, Cooperative Learning in Language Education, Second Language Reading, Second Language Writing, Cognitive Linguistics, Functional Grammar, Genre-based Writing Pedagogy, and Multilingualism. Further information about him can be found at Orcid: 0000-0003-3468-4837 and ResearcherID: Q-7685-2019. He can be contacted at