Hoa Sen University

Tag: workshop

[RECAP WORKSHOP] Academic Development Workshop – Session 3
On the morning of February 16, the Faculty of International Languages ​​and Cultures organized 3 series of Academic Development Workshops - Professional Development Workshops, with the participation of Dr. Bui Yen Ngoc and Dr. Louis Ndekha.
On the morning of January 12, 2023, the Department of Language and International Culture organized the second seminar in the Professional Development Workshop series, with the participation of speakers Dr. Bui Yen Ngoc and Dr. Le Dao Thanh Binh An.
On the morning of December 8th, the Faculty of Language and International Culture successfully organized the first session of the Academic Development Workshop series - Professional Development Workshops, along with presentations by Dr. Le Dao Thanh Binh An and Dr. Bui Yen Ngoc.
Professional Development Workshop #1
In order to help Lecturers improve their scientific research ability and create a forum for teachers to exchange academically, on the morning of December 8, Dr. Le Dao Thanh Binh An officially organized Professional Development Workshops.
Workshop on “The job skills needed for today’s translators from the perspective of a global translation company.”
In today's era of Science and Technology, social networks have turned the world into a shared community. Besides, translation software in technical translation is increasingly developed to help a translator choose translation forms according to his capacity and preferences. To learn more about the professional translation environment, please come to the seminar "Necessary job skills for today's translators from the perspective of a global translation company" with the presence and advice of a representative of STAR VIETNAM SOFTWARE & TRANSLATION COMPANY LIMITED.
Workshop “Can Critical Thinking be taught?”
The lecturers of the English Language Studies (ELS) have recently attended the workshop “Can Critical Thinking be taught?” under the guidance of Dr. Le Dao Thanh Binh An. This is the first workshop in a series of professional seminars of ELS lecturers that can take place offline since the Covid-19 pandemic. The workshop took place with the enthusiastic attendance of lecturers in charge of different ELS subject domains. There have been invaluable sharings of insights and experiences, as well as concerns about teaching methodologies and assessment approaches when embedding this important skill in both the programme and courses During the workshop, Dr.  Binh An...


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