Hoa Sen University

About us

Welcome to the Faculty of Marketing – Communications, Hoa Sen University! Formerly known as the Faculty of Economics – Management and the Faculty of Design – Art, from the beginning of its establishment, the Faculty of Marketing – Communications clearly defined the goal of in-depth training of creative fields, “thirsty” for human resources in the modern era. Current digital technology: Marketing, Digital Marketing, Communication Technology Management, Multimedia Communication, Public Relations. Sticking to the 5 core values ​​of Hoa Sen University including International Standards, Respect for Differences, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Real Learning by Doing, and Vivid Experience, we bring students the best...
Vision - Mission
MISSION Actualizing the core value of Hoa Sen University: “Entrepreneurial spirit”. Enhancing practical skills through projects and initiatives, maximizing studio utilization to enable students to both ‘learn’ and ‘do,’ mastering their craft before graduation. Particularly, fostering comprehensive student development, excelling in expertise while embodying professional ethics and social responsibility awareness. Elevating leadership capabilities and pioneering spirit, with the ability to lead projects and participate effectively.
We are grateful for your interest in the HSU Faculty of Marketing Communication. For inquiries, comments, or feedback, please reach out to us at the following addresses or phone numbers during our business hours: OFFICE OF FACULTY OF MARKETING – COMMUNICATION: Location: R. 703 – HOA SEN UNIVERSITY (08 Nguyen Van Trang, W. Ben Thanh, D. 1, HCMc) Email: khoamktt@sinhvien.hoasen.edu.vn
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