Program introduction
What is e-commerce? This is a form of commercial business that uses electronic means to conduct business transactions. Transactions of buying and selling goods are carried out online via the Internet.
Program advantages
- The training program is built on the basis of reference to training programs from famous universities in the world and in Vietnam;
- Focus on practical skills by sending students to practice at domestic and foreign enterprises.
- Students have many opportunities for professional training through cognitive internships, graduation internships at companies and enterprises;
- The ability to think independently and work in groups develops through subject projects, practical projects;
- There are many elective subjects to increase adaptability and choice opportunities for learners;
- A team of enthusiastic, dedicated lecturers with a lot of teaching and practical experience.

- Equip with in-depth knowledge: web analysis and design, e-commerce trading floor, e-retail, e-payment, e-commerce security, public relations on social networks association, distribution channel management…
- Practice data analysis on the basis of 8,000 businesses.
- Some typical subjects: International Finance – Import-Export Management, – E-commerce and its application in trading goods online – International Commodity Exchange – E-Government – Electronic payments – E-business – E-commerce security – Data warehousing and data mining – Franchising – Integration and international commitments – International marketing…
Job opportunities
Students Graduates can take on the following jobs:
- Network administrator;
- Employees applying e-commerce to international trade such as import-export, forwarder, logistics; freight forwarding…
- Import and export sales staff; – International investment consultant;
- International business administration consultant;
- Consultant on e-commerce and e-commerce security
- Design and application of software in business
Typical companies where students have internship/work: – Cathay Life Insurance; – Sudo E-commerce Company – Sendo Technology E–commerce Company – Vega Logistics Company; – Kerry TTC Express shipping company; – Interlink Company; – ANC freight forwarding company; – Socadec Vietnam Company; – VCBS Securities Company.
First member of Vietnam E-commerce Association