Hoa Sen University

Accreditation – ACBSP

Aiming for the goal of Hoa Sen University becoming an international standard university by 2025, the Faculty of Economics – Management constantly strives to improve training programs in line with world trends. Previously, in 2015, 3 majors: Business Administration, Human Resource Management and Marketing of the Faculty were the first university majors in Vietnam to officially achieve ACBSP accreditation – Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (USA). Becoming a member of ACBSP has contributed to motivating the Faculty of Economics – Management to continue creating high-class values ​​and experiences for students, helping them have more opportunities to learn and be creative and develop your future career.

ACBSP accreditation of the United States

Benefits for Hoa Sen University

  • The accreditation helps reinforce our commitment to continuous improvement, innovation, and research.
  • The process of preparing self-assessment reports required by accreditation enhances the focus on the quality of student learning and maintains a commitment to the educational mission.
  • The accreditation builds a university’s reputation and credibility as it seeks funding from donors, foundations, and governments.
  • The accreditation leads to easy credit recognition among training programs of different schools around the world.
  • The accreditation creates a sense of pride within the university. Benefits for Faculty of Economics – Management.

Benefits for Faculty of Economics – Management

  • The accreditation creates a process for continual course improvement.
  • The accreditation creates motivation to identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • The accreditation helps update the program through course development.
  • The accreditation provides a forum for the evaluation and analysis of the Faculty of Economics – Management.
  • The accreditation promotes the assessment of output standards by linking teaching objectives, teaching activities, and teaching outcomes.
  • The accreditation provides faculty competency guidelines with higher standards of employment, more academic and professional activities, and more focused faculty development.
  • The accreditation provides guidelines when structuring the studies.
  • The accreditation provides a forum for sharing ideas and questioning the current state of affairs, leading to effective change.
  • The accreditation is a source of pride for the faculty and staff of the studies.
  • The accreditation helps ensure the quality of work in the Faculty of Economics – Management.
  • The Faculty of Economics – Management creates more local prestige through accreditation.
  • The accreditation is a lever to find resources for the Faculty of Economics – Management.
  • The accreditation status is a valuable reference when submitting budget plans, grant proposals, and course/program outlines.
  • The accreditation status helps recruit many reputable instructors.

Benefits for Lecturers and Staff

  • The accreditation is a pride for the lecturers and staff of the Faculty of Economics – Management because the studies are recognized by national and international co-workers.
  • Lecturers of the accredited institutions have the opportunity to update their knowledge of quality accreditation processes through Baldrige training seminars.
  • Lecturers feel their self-esteem increases when teaching in the Faculty whose programs have been accredited.
  • The accreditation creates professional development and leadership opportunities for lecturers and managers when implementing assessment of output standards and when participating in quality assessment teams for other schools.

Benefits for students

  • The accreditation creates an incentive to improve the relevance and up-to-dateness of the lecturers, curriculum, and courses to best support the students.
  • Maintaining the accreditation enhances our ability to serve students through our focus on quality performance.
  • The accreditation status requires a constant effort in providing the best equipment, software, and learning resources to students.
  • The accreditation status reaffirms our commitment to serving students effectively.
  • Students can mention accredited school status in resumes and job interviews.

Benefits for the community

  • The accredited status recognizes the accredited organization’s ability to serve its stakeholders.
  • The accreditation creates an incentive to improve the relevance and up-to-dateness of the lecturers, programs, and courses to best serve employers.


Two programs have been accredited by ACBSP:

1. Business Administration

2. Human Resources Management

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