Hoa Sen University

Working session of the Japanese Studies Project

September 28, 2019

On September 27, 2019, at headquarters No. 8 Nguyen Van Trang, District 1, City. Ho Chi Minh City and Hoa Sen University had a working session of the School Board of Directors, Faculty of Social Sciences, and Japanese Studies Project Committee with experts and professors. Shimizu Masaaki – Osaka University, Japan, Professor. Tran Tri Doi – Hanoi National University, about the Japanese Studies Training Program, about the exchange, connection, and cooperation between the parties in teaching, learning, scientific research, and other useful issues. other agencies, and have reached initial agreements on the above tasks.

In the spirit direction and policy of Hoa Sen University as an International University of Vietnamese People, the Japanese Studies Project, and in the future – reality, the Japanese Studies Department, will operate with the tendency of Close association and cooperation with prestigious Japanese Universities and leading universities in Vietnam, with the strong internal strength of the School’s Leadership Team, lecturers and experts.

We would like to respectfully inform the lecturers, experts, students, and future students of Hoa Sen University.

Introduction to the Japanese Studies ProjectProject Name: Japanese StudiesProject leader: PhD. Lecturer Do Thi Bich Lai, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hoa Sen UniversityProject members:– Professors and teachers of Japanese Universities (Osaka University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Hanoi National University– Professors, Doctors, and Teachers of Hoa Sen UniversityEnrollment year: 2020Number of enrollment (expected): 150-200 studentsThe project is currently completing the final stages to submit to the Ministry of Education and Training.

Some pictures at the working session of the Japanese Studies Project:

Prof. Dr. Mai Hong Quy – Rector of Hoa Sen University, Associate Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu – Vice Rector of Hoa Sen University
Dr. Do Thi Bich Lai – Head of the Japanese Studies Project Committee
GS. Shimizu Masaaki – Osaka University, Japan, Professor. Tran Tri Doi – Hanoi National University

Article and photos: Do Thi Bich Lai, Do Sy Huy

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