Hoa Sen University

What’s interesting about the summer of HSU Psychology students?

September 1, 2020

When it comes to summer, most people will immediately think of rewarding themselves with a trip after a long period of hard work and study. Not only that, the summer of students of BM Psychology – Hoa Sen University is also highlighted by many activities jointly organized by the Department and the students.

The activities are very diverse and meaningful, ranging from camping trips to nature, very useful classes, to interesting student activities such as Book club or scheduled Mindful Retreat sessions. period. Let’s take a look at the “super interesting” activities of Psychology students this summer. 

Tam Ly student learns how to buy him
Psychology students are hiking cross-country to the campsite.

First, we cannot help but mention the extremely surprising and interesting Retreat trip. Students have the opportunity to leave the crowded and bustling city to return to fresh nature, walk in the forest, and admire the lush green scenery.

Besides, the rangers also accompany and guide you with very useful information about the forest and the importance of forest protection. In the afternoon, everyone joined hands to set up tents in the middle of a vast field under the romantic purple sunset. The night is the activity everyone looks forward to the most, gathering together around the campfire, and sharing student life experiences, majors, and future orientations.

Although the first day took a lot of energy, at dawn on the second day, some of you woke up to watch the sunrise, an activity that you rarely have the motivation to do when in Saigon. The day’s activity before returning to Saigon was a sharing session by the teachers about mindfulness and self-care.

View of the classroom taught by Professor Bruce Svare (State University of New York). 

Students registered for the summer semester participated in Biological Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience II taught by Professor Bruce Svare from the State University of New York. Surely this subject can make some of you “slightly shocked” because the amount of knowledge is entirely in English and you have to spend a lot of time studying on your own.

Although there are many challenges, the subject is a very special opportunity for you to improve your self-study skills, reading, listening, and looking up English documents, and especially to experience closer to the environment and the way of learning. study abroad. This is also a very good premise for those who wish to study abroad shortly.

The third activity is Internship Awareness of 2nd and 3rd year students. Through the internship, you will experience the future working environment to observe and record the knowledge you learn. Okay. This is an opportunity for you to gain a lot of valuable experience to better prepare for your graduation internship at the end of year 4.

Specialized English class hours are organized by the Department of Psychology.

First-year students can also participate in the Specialized English class organized by the Department. Although this is an optional subject, it is very important to help you prepare the necessary specialized English vocabulary for the English subjects in the program.

The 5th activity is Book Club. Anyone who loves reading and sharing their feelings about books can participate. If normally reading books alone is boring, this is a very useful activity to create an environment to approach books in a new and more interesting way.

Book Club activity session – Psychology major.

Students participate in Mindfulness Retreat activities under the guidance of Ms. Gia Hoang, BM Psychology lecturer.

The final activity is the Mindfulness Retreat. This is an activity of the Hoa Sen Psy-up Club, scheduled to be held periodically on the last Saturday of each month. The activity aims to support mental health care for Psychology students – Hoa Sen University.

(Source: HSU Department of Psychology FB)

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