Hoa Sen University


On Monday morning, October 2, 2023, new students K23 of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law had their first activity with the faculty leadership, teachers, and guests.

During the first meeting with the new “family members”, K23 was taught by Dr. Nguyen Thi Loan – Dean introduced the majors, program directors, Hoa Sen Psy-up club, Lawy Club, and many experiential activities organized by the faculty.

Dr. Nguyen Thi Loan – Dean of Fathe culty of Social Sciences and Law

Especially Professor. Dr. Armin Kuhr – Director of the Psychology program shared about “Psychology and life”, the relationship between law and psychology, and his valuable experiences when teaching Law and Psychology at universities—major universities around the world.

GS. Dr. Armin Kuhr – Psychology program director

In addition, speaker Le Trieu Bao Loc – CEO of Lingotech, a successful CEO at a very young age, shared about “Life’s Journey” to help new students better visualize each person’s journey.

Le Trieu Bao Loc – CEO of Lingotech

In the new school year, there will be many learning and experiential activities to help students interact with international lecturers, develop foreign language skills, meet experts from businesses, and host countless events. Fun and entertainment events… Don’t forget to participate in many activities of the Faculty and School to create a memorable 4 years of university!!!

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