Hoa Sen University

Invitation to attend the Hoa Sen Student Workshop in response to Vietnam Law Day

November 25, 2019

Dear Students and Teachers,

The Department of Liberal Arts Education – Faculty of Social Sciences (Social Sciences) respectfully introduces a series of free Legal Consulting and Seminars for HSUers. Coming to this first seminar, you will be updated with current legal information and have questions related to the fields of Civil, Criminal, and Labor law answered. Labor, Business, Commerce, Marriage and Family,…

The theme of this November workshop is “Hoa Sen students respond to Vietnam Law Day November 9”
Location: Room 407, Nguyen Van Trang headquarters 
Time: 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Speaker: Lawyer Dao Duy Tan – Ho Chi Minh City Bar Association, Director of One Member Limited Liability Law Company, Lecturer of the Department of General Education – Faculty of Social Sciences – Hoa Sen University

Note: Due to the maximum capacity of room 407, the conference hall has a maximum capacity of 80 seats, so the organizers will give priority seating to 80 HSUers who quickly register in advance. HSUers who register late will regret that they will participate in the next workshop held on December 27, 2019.

The Department of Education and Training – Faculty of Social Sciences respectfully invites you.

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