The Economic Law learning program is designed by the faculty to best suit the human resource requirements during the period of international integration in the 4.0 technology era. The school has developed a curriculum that provides basic knowledge of legal science in general, and economic law in particular, and supporting knowledge so that students can become high-quality human resources after graduation. Moreover, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law hosts various practical initiatives, seminars, and collaborations with businesses, fostering students’ practical understanding of professional environments. This comprehensive approach ensures that graduates are well-prepared to assume roles across diverse industries and domains.

-Have and apply basic knowledge of politics, law, economics, social sciences, and humanities to explain and analyze problems in work and life.
-Have professional practice skills in consulting, buying, selling, and exchanging activities legally during the online transaction process.
-Able to read and understand legal documents in foreign languages to update e-commerce applications.
-Have skills in researching – looking up laws, arguing, criticizing, debating, negotiating, and mediating on issues related to law.
-Have knowledge and apply knowledge about e-commerce, blockchain, data digitization, online payment, and electronic contracts to advise and make decisions at work.
-Have the skills to predict future economic developments and devise policies to apply laws appropriate to the time and context.
-Have skills in analyzing laws and making decisions when there are fluctuations in digital transformation globally. Lawyers, Judges.

-Legal experts in domestic and foreign enterprises, economic organizations, legal departments, human resources, and corporate leadership secretariat.
-Legal experts, professional secretaries, assistants to lawyers at Law Firms, Lawyers’ Offices, Notary Offices, Bailiff’s Offices, Asset Auction Centers, Mediation Centers, Commercial Arbitration, Legal Aid, Consultant at State Legal Aid Centers.
-Clerk, Examiner in Court, Civil Judgment Enforcement Agency; Specialist, Inspector in the People’s Procuracy, Legal work in the People’s Public Security agency.
-Legal experts in departments: human resources, administration, synthesis, policy, law propaganda, leadership secretaries in agencies: People’s Council, People’s Committee, Departments, divisions, committees at all levels.
-Legal experts in political – social – professional organizations, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
-Research work, legal reporter in training establishments, public service units in law, consulting on public policy planning.
-Opportunity to improve your career after meeting several state regulations on standards and conditions to be granted a practicing certificate or appointed to a professional title: Lawyer: participate in a lawyer training course, went through the probation period to practice law, passed the probation test results to issue a lawyer practice certificate.
Judges: have practical work time according to regulations, participate in trial training courses, and undergo selection exams to be appointed National Judges.
Procurator: has a period of practical work according to regulations, participates in professional training courses in procuracy, can practice prosecutorial power, supervise judicial activities, and passes a selection exam for appointment. as a Prosecutor.
Executors: have time to work in practice, participate in civil judgment enforcement training courses, and pass the selection exam to be appointed as Executors.
Notaries, Bailiffs, and Auctioneers: participate in training and professional development courses, have practical work time, and achieve probationary results to issue practice certificates according to regulations. Law teaching work: after participating in training and professional development courses, have practical work time according to regulations.
Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law with professional knowledge from a team of lecturers, innovative scientific teaching methods, and many practical application programs; Students will have the opportunity to experience professionally when practicing future work at many Law Offices, Notary Offices, State Agencies, Courts, Arbitration Centers, Consulting Companies Law, and especially trips abroad to visit famous Law Offices and Firms.