Hoa Sen University

Commercial Arbitration and Commercial Mediation

Time:  Sunday, June 25, 2023, 1:30 – 5:00 PM

Location:  Room 903, Nguyen Van Trang Campus, Hoa Sen University

Registration link: https://forms.gle/d5zEoWCcc8rbAkkK6

The upcoming Faculty of Social Sciences – Law, Hoa Sen University will bring a professional experience activity for Law students and create opportunities to research and practice theoretical and practical knowledge about Law: Commercial Arbitration and Commercial Mediation.

This Sunday, the Faculty organizes the “Commercial Arbitration and Commercial Mediation Seminar” and is honored with two prominent speakers in the industry, Dr. Le Nguyen Gia Thien and Lawyer, MSc. Kieu Anh Vu. Through this activity, it helps students have the opportunity to improve their legal knowledge and practical knowledge, while also demonstrating the interest of the faculty and school in the quality of student training, expanding their lessons. study outside of class hours. At the same time, the launch of a Law club was organized.

About the Speaker – Dr. Le Nguyen Gia Thien; Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law – University of Economics and Law, Vietnam National University, City. Ho Chi Minh; Arbitrators and Mediators of the Asian International Arbitration Center (AIAC, Malaysia) presented on the legal framework of Commercial Mediation; procedure; and mediation skills.

About the Speaker – MSc. Kieu Anh Vu; Founding lawyer, Director of KAV Lawyers LLC; Vice Chairman of the Science and Training Council; Secretary General of the Southern Commercial Arbitration Center (STAC) in the City. Ho Chi Minh; Vice Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Central Commercial Arbitration Center (MCAC) in Da Nang; Young Arbitration and ADR Forum Representative of the International Chamber of Commerce South Asia (ICC Young Arbitration and ADR Forum Representative – ICC YAAF).

Registration link: https://forms.gle/d5zEoWCcc8rbAkkK6

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