Hoa Sen university publishes a GREEN CAMPUS website
According to a 2012 Living Planet Report by The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), “we are living as if we have an extra planet at our disposal. We are using 50 per cent more resources than the Earth can provide and unless we change course that number will grow fast – by 2030, even two planets will not be enough.”
Mankind has been facing this destructive consequence because of its improper way of living and manufacturing. The overconsumption of natural resources, increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities, uncountable amount of waste on land and in the ocean have led to global warming, more serious epidemics, reduced the diversity of biology, and destroyed the ecosystem.
Developing a sustainable environment is becoming an exigent requirement at any scope – on a local and global scale. We can only solve the problem once we are fully aware of our responsibility to the community and sustainable development. Institutions of higher education should be the pioneers in promoting sustainable development. Re-determining our educational philosophy, bringing our schools closer to the community, and global networking are considered the top priorities for reaching this common goal.
A Green Campus has become the ideal model for higher education institutions in the 21st century. “A green campus demonstrates its commitment to ecological sustainability through its academic programs, its research, its campus life, and its physical operations.” (source: http://parlezvousgreencampus.com/what-is-a-green-campus/ )
On the observance of World Environment Day – June 5, 2012, Hoa Sen University published its green campus website, http://daihocxanh.hoasen.edu.vn/. The website demonstrates Hoa Sen’s desire to be an educational entity aiming toward an environmentally friendly facility, sustainability-oriented programs, and community engagement.
Bui Xuan An