Hoa Sen University – HSU

Victoria University of Wellington (Vuw – New Zealand) visited and worked with HSU

On March 15, Mr. Alex Glidden – Director of International Cooperation of Victoria University of Wellington (VUW – New Zealand) and the delegation visited and worked with Hoa Sen University (HSU). Receiving the delegation was Dr. Phan Thi Vietnam – Vice Rector of the University and leaders of the Institute of International Cooperation and the Faculty of Hospitality.

Representative of Victoria University of Wellington (VUW – New Zealand) working with HSU’s Board of Directors

At the meeting, the two sides shared the development orientation and international cooperation strategy of the two schools. Mr. Alex Glidden also proposed the direction of cooperation between the two sides for a number of priority areas, including: joint training of bachelor and master programs, academic exchanges, organization of study tours for students of the two universities, research cooperation…

Dr. Phan Thi Vietnam (white shirt) talks with a representative of Victoria University of Wellington (VUW – New Zealand)

“We realize that there are many similarities in the training programs between the two sides, and are ready to cooperate with HSU so that students of the two schools have the opportunity to access high-quality bachelor’s and master’s programs in the near future”, Mr. Alex Glidden.

Dr. Phan Thi Vietnam presents a souvenir to Mr. Alex Glidden – Director of International Cooperation of Victoria University of Wellington

Dr. Phan Thi Vietnam expressed her pleasure to welcome Mr. Alex Glidden to visit and work at HSU, and wished that the two sides would soon carry out professional activities such as: identify suitable industry groups for training cooperation, program comparison, find out needs from faculty level to build study tours, internships (foreign internships)…

Representatives of the two schools took a photo together

Hoa Sen University is aiming to internationalize the school’s training program by cooperating with large and prestigious universities from countries with developed higher education to bring HSU students many opportunities to study and experience world-class experiences.

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