Hoa Sen University – HSU

[Talkshow] HSU students learn about the standards of Michelin Star Restaurants?

On July 4, Talkshow: “Journey to the Michelin Star” organized by the Faculty of Hospitality of Hoa Sen University (HSU) was held with interesting information about Michelin-starred restaurants and culinary passions.

Speaker Nguyen Dao – Chef of P’ti Saigon restaurant; The founder of the menu platform for the restaurant Fashionista Café shared at the event.

Talkshow with the presence of Speaker Nguyen Dao – Chef of P’ti Saigon restaurant; Founder of menu platform for Fashionista Café – Selected Star Michelin in 2023; MSc Tran Nguyen Dang Khoa – Lecturer at HSU; Chef at Fashionista Café – Selected Star Michelin in 2023 and student Ngo Minh Chau – HSU student, Project Leader of I-Bartender season 2.

Students, highschool students ask questions to the speakers.

As a conversation between culinary enthusiasts, chefs and restaurant managers, Talkshow has brought the most honest sharing about the kitchen profession, the difficulties, pressures and joys of chefs. The story of Chef Nguyen Dao’s journey from the lowest position, through many difficulties and challenges, to become a real chef has also inspired young people who are passionate about cooking.

MSc. Tran Nguyen Dang Khoa – Lecturer at HSU; Chef at Fashionista Café – Selected Star Michelin in 2023 shared at talkshow.

He shared: “Before becoming a chef, I went through a lot of difficult roads, under a lot of pressure from previous chefs. But with my passion for cooking, especially the dream of bringing Vietnamese cuisine to big restaurants so that more people know, I have made constant efforts. Fortunately, at that time, Fashionista Café was opened according to the concept of elevating Vietnamese cuisine. With 7 years of experience working in French restaurants, I thought I was suitable for Fashionista Café and decided to work here, of course at that time I did not think about Fashionista getting a Michelin Star.”

Students attended the event.

At the talk, Mr. Tran Nguyen Dang Khoa also revealed an interesting thing that the starting salary of Chef Nguyen Dao is about 800,000 VND/month. From that salary, he became a chef of big restaurants, was selected as Michelin Star 2023. It also shows that, to develop in the field of Restaurant, students need a huge passion.

Speakers at the Michelin Star talk

Especially at the Talkshow, Chef Nguyen Dao and MSc. Tran Nguyen Dang Khoa also had interesting sharing about turning Vietnamese dishes into expensive dishes in 5-star restaurants such as salad, soup…how to put spices such as fish sauce, monosodium glutamate in dishes to suit international diners… Besides, Ngo Minh Chau – HSU student shared about the interesting things when studying and practicing projects related to food and drinks as well as ways to nurture passion when studying this field.

Dr. Vo Thi Nga – Director of the HSU Restaurant and Catering Management Program answered questions about the field of study.
Teachers and students at the talk.

In addition, questions about Michelin-starred restaurants were also answered by the speakers: Michelin has had a strong impact on the tourism industry and food culture in Vietnam, what opportunities and benefits do Michelin-starred restaurants bring to both the culinary industry and the local community, the core factors for a restaurant to be selected as a Michelin Star….

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