Hoa Sen University – HSU

Bich Thuy player returns to visit HSU after winning SEA GAMES 32

After winning the women’s soccer championship at the 32nd SEA Games on the evening of May 15, player Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy and the team returned home and visited Hoa Sen University (HSU), where she is studying.

Bich Thuy returned to Nha Sen in the warm welcome of students and teachers.

On the afternoon of May 16, the Vietnamese women’s national football team returned home after a convincing victory over the Myanmar team. Bich Thuy player had a visit to the school after the victory. She is currently studying Business Administration at Hoa Sen University. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vo Thi Ngoc Thuy – President of the University and a large number of students and lecturers were present to welcome Bich Thuy back.

Bich Thuy signed autographs for students and teachers.
Bich Thuy gave flowers to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vo Thi Ngoc Thuy – President of HSU to express her gratitude to the University for always accompanying the female player.

Returning to the welcome of students and lecturers of Hoa Sen University, Bich Thuy shared: “After winning the gold medal with the Vietnamese team, the first thing I want to do the most is return to school, where I am studying to share the joy of winning with teachers and friends. Lately, because I’ve been busy competing, I haven’t fully focused on my studies, but the school and teachers still create conditions and encourage me. I want to say thank you to everyone.”

Bich Thuy signed autographs for students and teachers.

On behalf of the school board, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vo Thi Ngoc Thuy also congratulated Bich Thuy and the Vietnamese women’s soccer team. The school also awarded certificates of merit and rewards to encourage and motivate female players in upcoming tournaments.

Bich Thuy shared her feelings when returning to Sen House after winning at SEA GAMES 32.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vo Thi Ngoc Thuy presents a certificate of merit to player Bich Thuy.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vo Thi Ngoc Thuy shared: “The victory of Bich Thuy and the Vietnamese women’s football team has added strength and love for sports to young people, especially in women’s football, which has received little attention. This once again affirms the fierce fighting spirit and position of women’s football in the hearts of fans. Congratulations to Thuy and the team. The school will create conditions for Thuy as well as the talents of HSU to be convenient in competing and studying, and always watching and supporting her in tournaments “.

The female player took a commemorative photo with the Board of Directors and the lecturers and staff of the school.

After a short reunion with HSU, Bich Thuy and her teammates had to focus on the team. As planned, tomorrow (May 17), the female player will fly to Hanoi to completely treat the injury. On May 20, the Vietnamese women’s team will gather to prepare for the upcoming World Cup.

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